Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Santa Claus Dilemma

Ho ho ho. So I think about this big, bearded old man,
Santa Claus, whom of which I am not a fan.
I like his idea of presents but his judgement is whack!
I see white kids get airplanes and black kids don't get jack!
But it's not just that!
I've never even seen coal in the stocking of one kid that's bad!
What kind of "just" man doesn't punish someone that's evil?
Coal is the only punishment for bad people? Psssshhhh
Santa's judgement is non-existent,
I feel bad for the elves that got beat up by his other assistants.
No wrath against the evil elf boy?
No. Just a lump of coal and a "Get back to making toys!"
If he were just, he wouldn't pardon but punish,
Instead of treating morals like rubbish.
So, I'm not gonna lie to my future child so he will obey,
Instead I'll tell him the true meaning of Christmas day.
I'll tell him of a God that came to save,
Save the ones that to sin, were slaves
I'm not gonna allow a "How naughty can I be and still get gifts?" mindset.
I'm going to teach him Christ and my mind's set!
I  also find it disturbing that a friend of mine said,
"Truly, truly, I say to, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber." Sounds like a chimney entrance to me!
And that's kinda scary.
I will not teach my kids to believe in a unjust god of presents,
But I'll teach them to worship El Shaddai in reverence.
See, God hates evil and despises it,
But he gave his Son up so we can have righteousness.
God brings LIFE and Santa brings prosperity like Charismatic gods.
Santa will leave you begging for more like dogs.
One last thing, didn't God say "Ho, ho, come forth" in Zechariah 2:6?
Sounds like Santa copied all of this.
And in Isaiah 55:1 God says, "Ho, everyone that thirsts come to the waters."
He said that to His sons and His daughters.
He comforts His own with a staff and a rod,
Unlike Santa that tries to be like God.
So hide yo kids and hide yo wives,
Cause Santa is coming to yo house at night!

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